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Our Approach 
Strengthen the Core ● Link the Community ● Focus on Principles




Prepared communities are successful communities.  They seek clear direction and guidance before implementation to achieve their goals.  The comprehensive land use plan serves as a foundational guide for decisions made by citizens, businesses, property owners, those seeking to invest in the community, and by local leadership.  Therefore, a plan should be at the center of local decision making.  Development ordinances that are consistent with, and implement the plan, should serve as a set of standards & specifications for growth & development meeting the goals of the local government.  This linkage between the comprehensive land use plan and the growth & development ordinances should always be straight forward, reflect the goals of the community, and represent a common-sense approach.


Our staff sees this “plans & specs” approach to growth & development as being very familiar to many people; therefore, making sense to those who encounter the codes and those who implement them.  We emphasize a “Lead with a plan, and Implement with the specs” philosophy to work by, instilling a certain comfort level among those we serve every day and demonstrating how these policies are their policies, adopted by their leaders for their community.


Our staff also fully understands and respects the rights of all property owners, meaning the rights of the property in question balanced with the rights of those adjacent property owners.  Our staff understands the realities of infrastructure, financial & market constraints, state & national environmental policies, national & regional trends, and challenges involved in the growth of local communities & community values.  Our company’s model for providing public service keeps our staff immersed in the day-to-day successes, consequences, and outcome of their professional actions.


Our ability to work within the Town Halls we serve takes an integrated approach, where our corporate presence is transparent.  Our team members clearly understand the purpose, authority, and consequences of decisions made inside an office because the majority of our staff serve in an official role in at least one local government jurisdiction on a weekly basis, year-round.  This locally oriented foundation means N·Focus staff routinely administers the policies & plans we write, and those written by others.


To the local government administration & planning agency, this experience means we fully comprehend the accountability to the citizenry and to the public process.  Experience with tried & true public policy principles make N-Focus your resource for both conventional public policy on growth and public services as well as your resource for innovative, forward-thinking concepts to create the community your leadership desires.  Our belief in public service and commitment to your administration’s goals will ensure the proper professional representation in both the development and administration of your public policy, to meet your community’s needs.



© 2024

by N-Focus Inc. 

Tel-(704) 933-0772

315 S. Main Street Suite 200 Kannapolis, NC 28081 

Designed by Kevin in Kannapolis 

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