N-Focus Academy

THIS COURSE is designed as a basic education for:
New Code Enforcement Officers;
Those with little or no training or experience; and
Those who are assigned code enforcement duties as one of their many job assignments.
We will provide basic information to help understand the source of your authority for enforcement of the various ordinances and discuss the steps of an investigation & enforcement from the initial complaint to owner compliance or abatement by the jurisdiction. We will also provide examples of various forms & letters that can be used for each type of enforcement.
THIS COURSE will include discussion on the following:
Public Nuisances including Chronic Violators
Abandoned, Junked & Nuisance Vehicles
Minimum Housing Code
Non-Residential Building & Structures Code
Civil Penalty processes
THE INSTRUCTOR for this course is John E. Ganus, Vice President of N-Focus’ Code Enforcement Division. John has an extensive background in Law Enforcement and Code Enforcement totaling forty-three years. He has assisted, trained or performed duties as the Code Enforcement Officer for more than thirty (30) jurisdictions in North Carolina since 1995. John has drafted, amended or developed various property maintenance ordinances for most of those jurisdictions. He is currently working as the Code Enforcement Officer for seven (7) jurisdictions. John has provided regional & local training to both small & large groups as well as individual Code Officer training for various jurisdictions throughout the state of North Carolina.
For Additional Information or to Schedule a Training
Call: 704.933.0772